Whole Body Infrared Hyperthermia Therapy

Hyperthermia is heat treatment, which in a variety of forms, has been used in medicine for thousands of years. In all hyperthermia methods, the temperature of the tissue/body is elevated artificially with the aim of receiving therapeutic benefits.

The infrared radiation used has a high proportion of short wavelengths (infrared A) close to the range of light, and is radiated along with light. Significant portions of this radiation penetrate the epidermis (skin) to a depth where the blood can absorb the heat thus released and distribute it throughout the body.

Hyperthermia practitioners consider the controlled elevation of body temperature as simulating the evolutionary reaction of living organisms to harmful factors. Consequently, the therapy is deliberately restricted to temperatures in the natural range of febrile reaction to infections.

Core temperature and pulse rate can be monitored and recorded electronically without disruption. EKG and other measurements are easily conducted while treatment is in progress, and the patient can receive an intravenous drip and oxygen.

Physiological effects of infrared hyperthermia (IRHT):

Elevating temperature above the norm has diverse and far-reaching effects in all parts of the body:

  • thermally accelerates the biochemical metabolic processes (Hoff’s law) of the entire body and increases detoxification significantly
  • increases the permeability of cell membranes to water, oxygen, nutrients and drugs
  • supports reparative and regenerative processes
  • increases overall circulation and promotes blood circulation of tissues and organs, opens clogged collateral vessels
  • relieves the tonus of striated and smooth musculature causing muscle relaxation
  • increase the velocity of nerve conduction
  • activates sub-acute and chronic inflammation processes by way of promoting their cure
  • influences the immunological system profoundly
  • at sufficiently high temperatures, restricts the propagation of microorganisms and viruses and malignant cell division


The indications for hyperthermia therapy are derived from the physiological effects of temperature elevation in the body as described above.

  • muscular dystonia, soft-tissue rheumatism, arthrosis, fibromyalgia, trauma
  • bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory diseases, emphysema
  • chronic inflammatory processes of all types (e.g.) colitis, sinusitis, arthritis, lupus etc.
  • adjuvant treatment in oncology with or without conventional cancer treatment
  • febrile temperatures also enhance the effect of ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic preparations; in some circumstances, dosages and side effects can therefore be reduced.
  • trial treatment for illnesses, which fail to respond to other therapies, especially allergies and dermatoses e.g. chronic eczema/psoriasis, acne.
  • detoxification programs

Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic is one of the few health facilities in Canada that is actively utilizing medical whole body hyperthermia.