Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct healing science and philosophy that blends traditional natural therapies with current advances in the study of human health.
Naturopathic Medicine treats the underlying nature or cause of disease; it is the art and science of supporting the natural healing processes of the patient; the removal of any impediment to the healing process; the prevention and treatment of physical and mental diseases, disorders and conditions; and the promotion of good health using not only natural methods but methods that support and enhance a patient’s overall health.
Read this great article about our Clinic Profile!
SOURCE – IHR Magazine.
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
The Naturopathic Physician will practice the art, science and spirit of the profession to the best of his/her ability and judgment following these principles of Naturopathic Medicine.
- Primum Non Nocere (First Do No Harm)
The Naturopathic Physician shall endeavor to first, do no harm; to provide the most effective health care available with the least risk to his/her patients at all times. - Vis Medicatrix Naturae (The Healing Power of Nature)
The Naturopathic Physician shall recognize, respect and promote the self-healing power of nature inherent in each individual human being. - Tolle Causum (Treat the Cause)
The Naturopathic Physician shall strive to identify and remove the causes of illness, rather than to eliminate or suppress symptoms. - Docere (Doctor as Teacher)
The Naturopathic Physician shall educate his/her patients, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health. - Treat the Whole Person
The Naturopathic Physician shall treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. - Health Promotion, the Best Prevention
The Naturopathic Physician shall emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and to prevent diseases for the individual, each community and our world