Thermography, simply means measuring heat. Even in former times, physicians used the back of their hands to feel particularly hot or cold regions of the patient’s skin and concluded to the health of the organs beneath. Today, we are in... View Article
This special microscopic examination of freshly taken blood enables one to assess the health of the blood cells (red, white, or platelets). It also reveals the state of certain proteins called endobionts and their degree of pathogenicity. Co-relations exist between... View Article
This method evaluates the bio-energetic health and functional capacity of the body. By taking a series of painless readings of electrical conductivity and skin resistance on specific points on the skin of the fingers or toes and comparing them to... View Article
Toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum play no role in normal human health and are considered pollutants. Contamination with these substances can lead to serious illness and dysfunction. The most accurate method for assessment is by... View Article
New studies have shown that in many chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and chronic inflammatory disease states, there exists a condition called hypercoagulability. In short, this means that there is increased capillary blood clotting and viscosity, which in turn contributes to the... View Article
There is a growing awareness of the importance of hormonal balance in both men and women at varying stages of life. Whether it be in adolescence, child bearing years, menopause, andropause or for anti-aging purposes, minor changes in hormone secretion... View Article
Evidence is accumulating that many auto-immune and degenerative conditions maybe caused by silent viral, bacteria or fungal infections. Included in this category are diseases like MS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, interstitial cystitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and... View Article
Vitamins and minerals are essential substances for life and play a role in many biological functions. The foods we eat provide our body with the majority of these compounds, however, a large percentage of the population also needs and takes... View Article
A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body; stressing and undermining one’s biochemical health and organ function. Toxins can come from by products of normal cell metabolism or from the outside environment (e.g.)... View Article
The therapeutic use of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and food products is what clinical nutrition is all about. Modern research has linked many conditions with imbalances in certain nutrients. When these nutrients are supplemented or given in larger... View Article