Ozone Therapy

Oxygen is 2 molecules of O hooked together as O²; ozone is 3 molecules of O hooked together as O³. Medical ozone is a mixture of 0.05 – 5.0% ozone and correspondingly 99.95 – 95% oxygen in a gaseous form.

The clinical use of ozone is dependent on the concentration (strength) and dose (volume) applied. As one of the most powerful oxidants in existence, ozone possesses strong anti-microbial effects against all strains of bacteria, viruses, and fungi and thusly is used extensively in conditions like herpes, HIV, hepatitis, the common cold, and so forth.

The circulation enhancement properties of O³ have been known for as long time for both external and internal uses. Diabetic ulcers, burns, ulcerative proctitis/colitis, post stroke, and various geriatric conditions are often effectively treated with Ozone Therapy.

The immune system is very susceptible to Ozone Therapy and varying concentrations of O3; can either stimulate, moderate or suppress the body’s defense mechanisms. Such effects are beneficial in autoimmune, cancer, and infectious diseases.

Ozone is a very flexible medical agent and can be applied in different ways according to need. The most powerful technique is called autohemotherapy whereby a small amount of a patient’s blood is withdrawn and mixed with ozone and then reinfused. Topical applications and rectal administration are the two other most common modes of use. The injection of ozone into muscles and joints is often applied in orthopedic conditions.

This safe treatment is used by thousands of medical practitioners in Europe/Asia and has been done so for many decades. Ozone has had a bad reputation in the past mainly due to inaccurate information and reports. Many large world cities purify their water supply with ozone.

Dr. Swetlikoff is Board Certified in Ozone Therapy and has used it extensively since 1994. One of the few clinics in North America that uses ozone in all of its facets, KNC relies on this therapy for a variety of health conditions.