Vitamins and minerals are essential substances for life and play a role in many biological functions. The foods we eat provide our body with the majority of these compounds, however, a large percentage of the population also needs and takes... View Article
In addition to blood pressure and pulse information, the CardioVision also generates information on the stiffness or flexibility of the brachial artery (artery of the upper arm). Called the Arterial Stiffness Index (ASI), the ASI is a number that correlates... View Article
A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body; stressing and undermining one’s biochemical health and organ function. Toxins can come from by products of normal cell metabolism or from the outside environment (e.g.)... View Article
The therapeutic use of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and food products is what clinical nutrition is all about. Modern research has linked many conditions with imbalances in certain nutrients. When these nutrients are supplemented or given in larger... View Article
The use of magnetic fields in medicine began in China thousands of years ago. However, only in the last 20 years have scientists begun to understand the biological effects pulsating magnetic fields of different frequency and intensity have on the... View Article
The purpose of Anti-Aging medicine is to slow down or reverse the degenerative, physiological effects of aging. Aging has an impact on the health of the skin, hair, bones, muscle mass, sex drive, hormone levels, energy, immune system, heart, memory... View Article
Botanical medicine, also called herbal medicine or phytotherapy, is the use of plants for their therapeutic or medicinal value and is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Naturopathic physicians are regarded by many as the medical experts... View Article
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians take high blood pressure and anti-cholesterol medicine, undergo angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery and require long-term management of their circulatory systems. Although many are satisfied with this approach, some are not and seek alternate... View Article
Core to good medical practice and results is open communication between doctor and patient. For some, this comes easily and for others, it may take awhile to reach a certain level of comfort. Understanding one’s beliefs, philosophies, habits, likes, dislikes,... View Article
One of the most commonly asked questions by patients is, “What should I be eating to get well and stay healthy?” Diet therapy is the therapeutic use of foods and food plans to treat a medical condition and assist the... View Article