Sleep Problems?

 Quality Sleep: According to Stats Canada, about 1/3 of the population do not get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per day. Many more, get poor quality sleep in the form of falling asleep and maintaining sleep issues. Inadequate sleep, alters the body’s homeostatic circadian rhythms negatively and disallows the body to rest, recuperate, repair and detoxify, both body and brain.
Poor sleep increases risks to heart disease, stroke, diabetes,obesity, depression, dementia, chronic pain, decreased sex drive and premature aging, not to mention just being tired, grouchy and less productive.
The more you work, shift work, increased stress and decreased exercise, all worsen sleep quality. On the other hand, good quality sleep increases productivity, athletic performance, learning and  mood.

At KNC, we can measure sleep and stress hormones, evaluate sleep environment and look at all factors that may be interfering with your sleep pattern. Give us a call.